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BookBrowse for Libraries is an affordable, reader-focused, and user-friendly readers' advisory resource featuring more than 20 years of the best in contemporary fiction and nonfiction across a range of genres.

Because there are far too many books published for anybody to read about all of them, let alone read them all, BookBrowse seeks out and recommends only the best and gives readers the information they need to decide which are just right for them.

Exceptional books don't just entertain, they also engage, enlighten and make us step outside of ourselves. BookBrowse seeks out these books across a range of genres, both fiction and nonfiction, and links each book page to the corresponding book in the subscribing library's OPAC so patrons can check availability with one click.

BookBrowse's editorial focus coupled with extensive reading group resources makes it a particularly valuable destination for book club members and those who read to expand their horizons, as well as librarians responsible for collection development and book club organization.

BookBrowse has been twice-recognized -- including a Platinum award -- by the Modern Library Awards as an elite product that can help library management personnel enhance the quality-of-experience for the library user and increase the performance of their library systems.

Features in Brief

Reading Resources

Including in-depth reviews, "beyond the book" articles and twice-monthly online magazine.

Readers' Advisory

Including thousands of handpicked read-alikes by author and title, 150+ reading list categories, upcoming new and notable books.

Book Club Resources

Including online book discussions, 1000+ reading guides, book club advice.

Library Integration

Including website and emails branded for library, links to relevant books in OPAC and apps so patrons can search from library website (e.g. for read-alikes). Also login-free remote access so patrons can start browsing with one click from anywhere and librarians can link to specific content from newsletters.


Including free print materials, a wide range of electronic resources, online usage stats and unlimited support for patrons and librarians.

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